Mom's alone time is precious

By Anonymous - 11/08/2023 06:00

Today, my daughter found out there was a vacant seat left in first class on our flight and damn if she didn’t pounce on the opportunity to get bumped up into it so fast, because she, “like, deserved a break.” She left me in economy class for a 10-hour flight with her 3 year old and 1 year-old with teething pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 980
You deserved it 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnabout is fair play if you’ve still got a return flight waiting.


joseph_rod_05 14

Turnabout is fair play if you’ve still got a return flight waiting.

The flight crew would not have let her leave her children. You obviously accepted to care of the children so don’t complain.

How did you get stuck with the one-year-old? They don't have seats, so its mom should have taken it.

And why didn't you walk the kids to their mom and drop them off in first class 😂

Insist on payment to watch her kids, now and in the future. She'll never do that again.

I'd be on an entirely different return flight....