By soupisyummy - 11/02/2012 19:20 - United States

Today, I looked over my next homework assignment for art class. It was to draw a portrait of my best friend. I can't think of anyone besides my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 303
You deserved it 4 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Morgannnnuhhh 1

Go on chat roulette and draw somebody there.


leilaostara 1

I think it's nice you have a healthy relationship with your mom.

Draw your mom =) she's my best friend . And don't listen to those who say "Forever alone" , they are probably just jealous of the fact that you have a good relationship with her and they don't with their own moms .

Draw your mom =) she's my best friend . And don't listen to those who say "Forever alone" , they are probably just jealous of the fact that you have a good relationship with her and they don't with their own moms .

barnettmatt87 1

Well besides that bein kind of sad depending on how old you are. You should draw her, or either fred from paranormal activity 3.

boomhauer18 3
uctj1 5

What about your dick? he's prolly your best friend.. i know mine is (:

Draw your mother, I'm sure she'll love it. But i think you mean FML at the fact you have no friends unfortunatley forever alone:-(.