By 12345678 - 31/12/2009 08:01 - United States

Today, I logged onto Facebook and saw that I had a message from my ex boyfriend. It's only been two weeks since we broke up and I assumed he sent me a message begging for me to take him back. He wanted to apologize for sleeping with my sister last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 535
You deserved it 5 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's sad that your ex was the one apologizing, not your own sister...

YDI for thinking he'd come crawling back to you...


YDI for thinking he'd come crawling back to you...

agree, ydi, you dump him and expect him to come begging and humiliate himself just so that you can feel better than him, yet think its an FML when he sleeps with someone else. If you don't want him sleeping with someone else, don't dump him, and your sister can make her own decisions.

Reyo 2

Women, here's something to remember about guys. If you break up with them, they are NEVER going to come back to you. On the off chance they do, you don't want them. Trust me, you don't. That shows bondage issues.

Agreed, OP, I am sorry, but YDI for assuming that he'd want you! He said sorry, though, didn't he? He could have avoided it and not told you

#38 took the words right outof my mouth...OP, you broke up with him, right? So, why is it an FML if your ex sleeps with your sister? To me, he sounds like a player!

ipwnallmen 10

TIME TO SHAG A **** AND MAN *****!

GR3453m0nk3y 4

time to shag a **** and man *****..... i find it incredibly hard to believe you "pwnallmen" (pwn all men)

ipwnallmen 10

IM so sad for you, 3! you reply to people based on their nick names! it dosent matter if you dont think I pwn all men!! it matters if people get a kick out of it!! lolol kisses!! mwah!

It's sad that your ex was the one apologizing, not your own sister...

YDI Why would you get your hopes ip like that? And anyway surely after 2 weeks he's a free man and can sleep with whoever he likes.

your a dumbass you can't get mad cause ur sister is better then u. atleast your boyfriend appologised

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JustAReaderOfFml 4

ill be honest here. i dont get what the fml is.

ArthursLifeSucks 2

Hahaha awesome on the guy, wish my ex's sisters would have slept with me, that would have ruled. Revenge sex FTW.

Just my thought ^^ That's a definite WIN for the guy.