By Chels - 18/08/2011 20:25 - United States

Today, the ex I still have feelings for made a post on Facebook announcing her two month anniversary with her boyfriend. She broke up with me less than two weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 923
You deserved it 3 120

Same thing different taste


wintamint101 7
eminemchick 19

looks like your going to have to turn to your backup, palmela handerson;)

I'm sorry to hear that, I know it really hurts. But that's just a bigger reason to move on. She's a lying bitch who with that attitude, will be screwed later on in life. Be glad she's not part of your life anymore and find someone whos good for you

Comment under her post reminding her of the fact that she just broke up with you two weeks ago, and act surprised that she is willing to broadcast to friends and family that she's a cheater. Then wish her luck in her current relationship.

#54, so are you insinuating that a woman can't make use of "Palmela Handerson"? Don't be so sexist.

eminemchick 19

i use palmela AND handelina jolie:D also, last time i checked, i was a female-.-

welandedonthemoo 5

If she did it to u she'll do it to him. Cant turn a hoe into a housewife.

Personally i'd be like this on that facebook post. "Oh, so you were dating somebody else while you dated me? I hadn't realised you were a ****."

Technically it's not an anniversary because the prefix origin is the same as annual, meaning yearly...

Jvr91 8

I agree with # 49 I would do the same shit....

xalerion 0

The same thing pretty much happened to me, well, except for me finding out that he'd been living with my ex for a few months before we broke up and theyd started dating right after she moved a few hours away, less than 4 days after she broke up with me she posted that she was engaged and got married to him less than a week later a week or two before she went off to basic, so op, think of it this way, it may suck but at least your ex wasnt engaged, publicly, and didn't get married to someone else right after you broke up, my exes family apparently knew but didn't think it was any of their business to let me know after over two and a half years of us dating, fyl op and fml too

watch through their window at night wearing a hocky mask and tapping at her window!

juicedboi 7

You turned a lesbian straight? How the... Tell me your secrets OP!

Or she could've been Bi-Sexual! ;) ????

Don't bother posting anything to that status. Trust me, people who matter will ask you what happened and the truth will be out. Do not sink down to her level. Delete all contact with her and try your best to avoid her. I say try because it's almost impossible to forget about her and not be tempted to speak to her for some peace of mind. But do try. You'll eventually forget about her. Just remember that you deserve better than this. This will be hard. No other way to it. But it'll pass. Keep your friends around you is the best advice I can give.

A7X_LoVeee 10

You're better off without her.

mynameis1339 0

Yeah people that cheat have no soul

anniversary's are annual. stupid bitch

Hey, not all cheaters are gingers, 27 ;)

sxe_beast 11

Monogamy is boring. Commitment requires too much effort.

Yay, I'm now informed, thank you Mr. Yahoo Answers

sandungyyy 4

OP sounds like she was in a bi-curious phase. "If you don't pay for what you have done, you'll end up paying for what you haven't done." She obviously didn't treat you with respect or "love", soon or later she'll go through a bi-pain phase.

nollid7 5

That's what the OP GETS FOR HAVING A Facebook with his Ex. They're called exes for a reason!

xalerion 0

41-rebounds aren't really something most people who prefer stable relationships over flings would recommend to teens or any of the younger variety because when you say rebound, they normally get "one-night-stand" Though I do agree with the rest :)

That is exactly what you need right there. (#41) Repeat Step 5 many times a week :)

Yes exactly! You don't need her. I assume she was in a bi-curious phase. That's happened with 1 of my past girlfriends, and I know how much it hurts after. In fact what happened to you happened to me.. She cheated on me with a guy and yeah you know.. I'm just so sorry you had to go through this, you deserve better! Best of luck OP

I don't understand why everyone is saying bicurious. The ex could easily be bisexual or pa sexual.

hawright 13

Wow, what an amazing line and actually one of my favorites, right on

TheRealHouse 7

It would have been better if Yoda said it Bitches, crazy they be

elmogoezRAWR 0

It would have been better if Pikachu had said it. Pika.. PIKACHU pi pika pikachu!

have anyone notice op is listed as female? this makes it alot more interesting

Trying to let you down gently perhaps?

IcySnake 0

Did anyone else notice it was a girl? Giggity

Oh yes 64, knowing that a girl cheating on another girl is oh so hot and sexy.

64- Hey! That mah giggity....giggity giggity goo!


Gently my ass. Even if OP's ex had falsely posted that on Facebook, it just goes to show how much of a bitch she is trying to hurt OP even more. OP you don't need people like that.

Sry it posted twice so I edited it and was forced to type this lol

Be glad she's out of your life and feel bad for the dude who has her now.

Maybe OP's exgf decided she wasn't bisexual anymore. Maybe she was just experimenting with another female in doubts of her sexuality. (OP is a girl)

That still doesn't give her the right to cheat on her.

RainbowHeadache 2

You can still be bi sexual after a break up with your same gender. But whatever reason Ops ex thinks she had, it's never right to cheat no matter how "confused" you think you are.

0opsie 6

127 - Breaking up with a same-sex partner for an opposite-sex partner doesn't mean she stopped being bisexual. Being attracted to both sexes is kinda the whole point of being bisexual. Experimenting as a lesbian would make more sense. But either way, nothing excuses the cheating.

That ******* two-timing bitch! Shame on her!

Be glad she's out of your life and feel bad for the dude who has her now.

MCVelvet1497 3

Don't take it seriously, it's on Facebook.

A7X_LoVeee 10

Dude, if it's on Facebook then it's definitely official!

elmogoezRAWR 0

Hell yeah! Once something is on Facebook, you know it's true.

Haven't you ever heard the term "Facebook official"? Duhhhhh!

Of course this is sad.. BUT time to unfriend.... Or stop looking at her wall if it's public. It's only for the best.