By fmldr - 03/12/2009 11:34 - United States

Today, I learned my wife wasn't speaking to me because our daughter told her I kissed another woman. My daughter neglected to mention that this happened when she came to work with me yesterday, and the kiss was between me and the dummy I use to teach my interns CPR. My wife doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 840
You deserved it 2 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Panther_fml 0

Bring the dummy home... maybe then she will beleive you! FYL

sportsnut 0

haha, that blows, why not bring your daughter back to work with your wife and have your daughter point out the 'woman' you were kissing


haha kids these days... :P sucks for ya though. ahh well your wife will get over it :)

And if she doesn't punch her square in the nose

Reyo 2

You're wife must be paranoid as hell when it comes to losing you if she's willing to believe the word of a little girl as law. Actually...use this to your advantage. Tell your daughtor to run up to mommy and say "Daddy needs a sammich, and you should make him one". If that works, you're the luckiest man in the world.

Panther_fml 0

Bring the dummy home... maybe then she will beleive you! FYL

Do you happen to know a Cora Reynolds, by any chance? I'm sure you were doing more than "CPR" to those anatomically correct dolls, you sly ******. ;]

They should be careful of those razorblades.

I have never seen an anatomically correct CPR dummy

Nobody actually does full mouth-to-mouth contact with those dummies... and they sure as hell don't look female.

expen_dable 0

see you are the psychotic girlfriend type that would try to find every reason to prove he's lying. hopefully you are too ugly or fat to date a guy and make him miserable with your paranoia.

lyndis_fml 0

That comment was meant to be humorous... and was posted by a male. Good job.

Kissing another woman? One made of RUBBER?! For shame... So I've been wondering: When you bang a rubber chick, to you wear a "rubber" for safety? Or would wearing one get her preggers with little inflatable babies?

cerebellum_fml 0

There is a glitch here. Every so often i see a comment made by perdix and another one from another chick. Perdix, the second paragraph is 10000x true over and over.

No. See you missed the answer to that question in Bride of Chucky...That movie explains it all...

NadiaJ 0

this goes to predix..dude he was talking about a doll aka dummy not the CPR instructor! damn you much be dumb!

@ NadiaJ ..Please, PLEASE tell me you were kidding when you said that, because I think I just died a little inside.

man that sucks try to show your daughter the alleged "woman" and ask her if this was the woman

sportsnut 0

haha, that blows, why not bring your daughter back to work with your wife and have your daughter point out the 'woman' you were kissing

Hmmm not too sure how you can explain this one...

This is true, I do like a good divorce fml...

hell yeah! you must have been kissing the dummy with sheer passion though, to be mistaken by your daughter is sucks, still.

youthink_fml 0

YDI. I hate people who bring their rugrats to the office.

Well just wait until you have a couple of 'ragrats' of your own. And if you don't want them, don't judge others until you know how busy their life is, or how much money they /don't/ have for a babysitter, etc etc.