By Anonymous - 30/07/2015 21:50 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned companies can legally lie to fire an employee, and unless anything they say is on record, they are legally correct, no matter how unethical the company is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 050
You deserved it 1 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please elaborate? We're all dying to know what happened.

No need to be a dick #15. The FML is pretty vague, And has zero specific details so wanting more is pretty logical. Stop being so salty.


I don't think companies even need a reason to let you go, at least in my state they don't. Why should they go through the trouble of making up a lie?

OP could have a contract and the company is making up an accusation that would fulfill a loophole (like a morality clause) in order to fire OP. Or OP could be a whistleblower and the company has made up a spurious accusation in order to fire them/discredit them. Or OP is the victim of discrimination and the company is trying to cover it up. Or the company made up an accusation that OP was fired for stealing so OP can't collect unemployment. Or OP's boss is a dick and is trying to blacklist OP in his/her field/job search. A lot of reasons, really (and sadly). If a company is unethical enough to make up the lie in the first place, there's probably a pretty unethical reason why they're lying.

IzybelK 5

I don't think they lied on the reasoning, so much as lying on what she did on job. Such as, they could have said she was stealing from the company.

If ur a fireman, id start recording everything, and delete it if nothing happened, but show it to the police if someone lies, ect.

cmchappy 25
CliffyB03 28

I once was fired for being "too short". Like, put a ******* height limit on the application then!

Mooglefox 23

Didn't you know that? Look at Walmart.

Geckosrock99 33

This sounds a lot like what happened to my sister in law. The local Dollar General as it out for my family. The son of the family who owns the store egged and vandalized our house, so we pressed charges and threatened to sue for the cost of damages. They now refuse to hire anyone of my family, my boyfriend, or any of my best friends. Once they found out they hired my sister in law, they fired her with a bogus excuse. It's lucky they haven't figured out they hired my best friend. They need to grow up and act like the adults they are. We live in a small town, without going to the next town/city, there's already limited employment options as it is.

It's 100% illegal to do that. Call your labor board

Please don't say "jipped." From your spelling, I'm guessing you've only heard it and don't know the origins. But it's spelled "gypped," and it means "to be swindled by a Gypsy." It's a slur against Roma.

And before the unpc crowd jumps in and is like "stop being so oversensitive", no, the word gypsy is pretty much a major racial epithet, on the level of the n-word, and while there are some Roma that are trying to reclaim it... it's theirs to reclaim, and most just remember the discrimination they've suffered when the word is used. That being said, it's so commonplace that most people don't know it's a racial epithet, which used to be the case with the n word. So it's mostly used out of ignorance rather than malevolence. Which is why I think spreading awareness about this is important. Because words can and often do hurt people, so we should actually be courteous to our fellow man. That's not being over-sensitive, that's just being a good human being.

Scorpio1691 29

Labour law that doesnt protect the labourers.