By Anonymous - 30/07/2015 21:50 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned companies can legally lie to fire an employee, and unless anything they say is on record, they are legally correct, no matter how unethical the company is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 050
You deserved it 1 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please elaborate? We're all dying to know what happened.

No need to be a dick #15. The FML is pretty vague, And has zero specific details so wanting more is pretty logical. Stop being so salty.


I learned a long time ago to ALWAYS get anything important in writing. If the company won't write it down, it ain't within legal guidelines

magickiss87 22

That really sucks. I once heard the saying "a good manager can find a reason to fire anyone, even the best employees that don't make mistakes. So always watch your back at work. "

Blusinn 13

It's not really that they can lie, it's that California is an at-will employment state. Employers don't need a reason to fire someone, meaning they can make up any reason they want without much legal consequence.

welcome to world of employment and unemployment.