By Anonymous - 02/09/2017 13:00

Today, changing the garbage in the bathroom at work resulted in a hospital visit after an incorrectly disposed used needle scraped into my thigh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 085
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think people would get the point by now that needles need to be properly disposed. It's sad that you had to be the one to literally get it.

I'd say you needle be more careful in the future.


That's a sticky situation... but seriously, I hope everything turned out ok.

I guess when it's not in the SHARPs container it's still safe to assume it's sharp!

I'd say you needle be more careful in the future.

You'd think people would get the point by now that needles need to be properly disposed. It's sad that you had to be the one to literally get it.

People who can't dispose of sharps correctly are pricks.

You should probably get tested. That sucks OP

azouwa 26

Lazy Co workers who can't grasp the simplicity of proper disposal piss me off. Sorry OP. Your life sucks.

this actually happened to my cousin when she worked at taco bell.

Please remember to fill out a WSIB form (or whatever it is called from wherever you are from) to protect yourself for the future - sometimes symptoms of whatever you could have gotten from the needle won't show until later and even if everything comes back negative, it is better to have a record so that work will not turn their backs on you for not reporting it. Either way, I am sorry to hear what happened to you. It almost happened to me once, too, when I went to pick up a pile of paperwork. There was a needle under it and the first thing I did to make sure I was not poked was use a bunch of sanitizer on my hand to see if it burned.