By Matt - 12/08/2011 00:46 - United States

Today, I informed my family of my plans to divorce my wife after catching her cheating on me twice. They bitched me out because I will not be able to survive financially or emotionally without her support. I'm a doctor. She's been unemployed for 2 straight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 075
You deserved it 2 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some family you've got there. Sorry OP. :(

Kypopz 9


family tends to want what they assume is best. you are obviously able to handle yourself I say drop the hoe bag

Why exactly were you with someone who was unemployed and has cheated on you at least twice in the first place?

zeekitty 5

WTH is wrong with your family?!

sbarua219 17

Good for you OP. A man of your power shouldn't have to put up with cheaters. Her loss in my opinion

Do what you have to do to be happy, don't let your family's opinion affect your life. It isn't their marriage.

Drentiful 9

I don't even understand why they would say that then. Considering your position. Lol

I wouldn't say your life sucks, I would just say they are idiots.