By Matt - 12/08/2011 00:46 - United States

Today, I informed my family of my plans to divorce my wife after catching her cheating on me twice. They bitched me out because I will not be able to survive financially or emotionally without her support. I'm a doctor. She's been unemployed for 2 straight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 075
You deserved it 2 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some family you've got there. Sorry OP. :(

Kypopz 9


They obviously don't know what they're taking about?

22cute 17
JustJaredfied 0

Hmm... no offence intended Matt, but are they crazy? perhaps they're just trying to get you to reconsider your decision. On another note, decent single doctors are difficult to find... Welcome to the single life. I don't know if you're country's law has anything akin to the idea of forefeiture of benefits in divorce matters, but if so you can attempt to claim this on the grounds of her conduct with the result of her getting less out of the divorce if you are married without an antinuptial agreement/prenup. Consult a pit bull of a lawyer ASAP.

SittingInTheSky 6

dump the **** and show ur family how ur a real man with a real job that gets paid more than all their sorry asses

Don't listen to them get rid of that bitch