By hungry - 13/10/2013 05:23 - United States

Today, I heard that there was supposed to be a huge blizzard heading our way, so I went out to stock up on groceries. After spending $600 on food, I drove home and packed most of it into the fridge and freezer just in time for our power to go out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 813
You deserved it 26 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to buy food that can be stored and doesn't perish at room temperature when a storm heads your way?

if it's cold enough to snow, put all the stuff outside


AngelLovesDerby 10

A blizzard or what? Just throw it outside.. Haha

YDI for not being smart and stocking up on non perishables instead. Power outages are common in blizzards due to iced up tree branches falling on power lines. Dumbass.

panther_73 7

Thats why you but canned goods for storms

bigmammajamma69 4

$600 ? Did you expect to be holed up for months ?

Why didn't you buy canned, bagged, dried, etc. types of foods that didn't need to be in the fridge/freezer because theres a big chance the power might go out umm

Look at it this way: With enough snow you could dig a hole and stash all the food.

00sweeney 2

I'm not sure who's the bigger idiot--you for not realizing that if there's a blizzard the outside temp will keep your food frozen, or all the people commenting on how you should have bought canned.

bunny409 14

reminds me of the time when my mom and I were out getting groceries to prepare for a bad hurricane coming our way. She wanted to buy microwaveable popcorn -.-

Well if you knew a blizzard was coming why didn't you get ready to eat stuff, like those tuna pouches and crackers bread deviled ham peanut butter jelly long list of things to eat that don't need to be cooked our refrigerated