By penguindude82 - 06/05/2012 07:38 - United States - Dallas

Today, I had a huge yard sale. Since I live in a good neighborhood, I decided to leave the stuff out tonight rather than pack it all in for only a few hours. The news didn't say anything about the impending severe thunderstorm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 712
You deserved it 33 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So lemme get this straight. The storm stole your stuff? Is that what happened? Goddamn weather. Edit: I have no idea what the **** I'm saying.


Thunderstorms can be random! Sometimes the news/weather channel don't predict it

This is why meteorologists speak in terms of probabilities.

Honestly, when was the last time meteorologist was right about something?

I feel as though they are practically always wrong. It makes me upset

Right? They always get me excited about having a warm, sunny day for once and it ends up being cloudy or just straight up pouring rain. It sucks

Alwayspullout 7

*doesn't or channels don't

1221jamw 11

39- Well you don't say "I'm goin to go watch the weather channels." I think she was correct on this one..

witterlands 2

Didn't you know that Texas weather is bipolar?

Lol I live in Texas and I knew about the thunderstorms. Guess you didn't watch the right news.

39 - when I said "the news/weather channel don't" I meant "the news and weather channel don't". But technically if you interpreted the slash mark a different way you'd be correct

amanda_say_whutt 9

Thunderstorms are random we had one last night. And OP I live in Texas and our neighborhood had a garage sale too !

68- Either way you interpret it, it should be "doesn't." 46- You're horribly wrong and stupid.

But I'm pretty sure 'don't' applies to plural and 'doesn't' to the singular, right? Ah, whatever, who cares haha

what happened? power cut out due to a flash storm so u couldn't finish the word?

Couldn't finish what word? They all seem finished to me.

chelseaheming 0

Meanwhile you're the one writing with "u"...

That sucks. Sorry to hear, but you kinda deserved it.

nikkiruth94 8

That sucks, but even if you do live in a good neighborhood it's probably not the best idea to leave everything outside!

Indeed. All of the smart thieves go to the good neighborhoods to steal. *sinister smile*

uJelly24 1

You could've called it a garage sale and left everything in the garage :P

astralvagan 20

Don't you know? The same rule applies when you wash your car also!

Just plain bad luck. Hopefully OP didn't leave anything TOO valuable out there.

So lemme get this straight. The storm stole your stuff? Is that what happened? Goddamn weather. Edit: I have no idea what the **** I'm saying.

22cute 17

What I'd like to know is: where is this neiborhood? Sounds like a great place!

Thunderstorms can be unpredictable but you should have atleast covered the stuff with sometime before night. The morning dew wouldn't have been good for it anyways.

Oops i ment *something* not sometime

dellis44 7

If it was a good neighborhood, then one of your neighbors should have come and told you to cover your stuff. FYL

You and the person above you have really similar pictures....

sleepinginclass 8
yumyumpoptart 16

even though a thunderstorm came OP, you still should of put all your stuff back in the house/garage. you don't know what kind of people are going around these days!

You live in a good neighborhood and stuff you didn't even want anymore got ruined, yeah, **** your life

perdix 29

Maybe the OP needed the yard sale money to avoid foreclosure. FHL for living beyond his means.

If that was true, the FML would have said "Today, I had a huge yard sale. Since I live in a good neighborhood, I decided to leave the stuff out tonight rather than pack it all in for only a few hours. The news didn't say anything about the impending severe thunderstorm, I needed the money to avoid foreclosure. FML" Common sense bro!

perdix 29

There's a 300-character limit on stories. Plus, that detail would have been boring.

jujubunni5 9

That would have been a stupid FML with too many details. Stupid -.-

Doesn't matter if it would have sounded boring or not, if it actually happened he would have put it in there anyway, adding that detail would have contributed to the whole FML effect. And quite frankly, the foreclosure thing would have been the icing on the cake, I'm sure if he ran of out room he would have figured out a way to squeeze it in there. Use your brain next time please

I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to be upset, I'm saying he doesnt get the right to say "**** my life" (meanwhile in Uganda, children are being forced to murder their parents) just because some of the things he was trying to sell got wet.... and I'm sure a majority of the items aren't permanently damaged anyway, it's just a thunder storm, not hurricane Katrina.

perdix 29

#52, thanks! Today, my tribe in central Africa is starving and my family has been rounded up and shot. There was a fly in my soup. FML.

TarieBoo 2

uhh children kill people in the us too bro:? nott just uganda.....

astralvagan 20

Kone? You're really going there. Such douchebaggery! Why don't you go troll other sites?