By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 08:25 - United States

Today, I heard my asshole neighbor had died of a stroke. I was outside and said, "Well it's about goddamn time!" I turned around to see his wife walking her dog and staring deep into my soul. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 119
You deserved it 68 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ctlnaaia71 8

I hope people say that abput you when YOU die. That's a shitty thing to say. YDI.


I can understand OP having an asshole neighbor, but why would one ever take pleasure in someone's death? YDI completely

YDI. And now you're not even free of having a difficult neighbour because I bet his wife will make your life miserable. I would!

You're the real asshole, its about goddamn time you realized that.

Smiley83 0

I feel the same way about my mom in law can't wait for her to die either

chanta24 10

wow. the man's dead and you STILL feel the urge to talk crap about him??

CaptainAwesome2 0

You're glad that he died? Douche.

gammielikeoh 0

"staring deep into my soul". okie dokie then.