By Unknown - 26/10/2008 12:56 - France

Today, I have blue lips because of a guy whose face I don't even remember didn't know the difference between kissing and sucking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 245
You deserved it 26 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

who the **** kisses like that? i didn't even know such a problem existed. weird.

i agree with #11. if he sucked so bad, no pun intended, then why didn't you just stop getting your face sucked off?


that's happened to me twice. made me not like the guys as much as I did before. and left me with a painful lip!

My lips turned blue too after kissing! How long does it last? What can I do to help heal it????????????????????

Eh my husband does it because he knows i like it rough and gets carried away sometimes. Fyl, because it doesnt sound like u enjoyed it :(

HighasaCloud 46

I can't think of too many unique things to say for each FML and I want the 100 kick-ass comments badge so I thought I'd post them all in the far reaches of this website where hopefully nobody will really read through the comments and downvote me. Hazzah

GreatWish 1

OMG!! I had it today. My lips got too much bluish purple color. It looks weird. Everyone ask from me wht happend. Oh!! how can I say he sucked me very hardlyy. My first kiss. How can I get rid of this purple color. I want it soon. I have to go school. My neck is bleeding. too much pain!! Plz tell me how can I reduce this lip color.

At least they sound like they were very sweet about it; trying to comfort you and all

revan546 24

Maybe sensitive feelings are just in your DNA. You get it? Because this was published in a place called nucleotide?? K I'll see myself out.