By Unknown - 26/10/2008 12:56 - France

Today, I have blue lips because of a guy whose face I don't even remember didn't know the difference between kissing and sucking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 245
You deserved it 26 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

who the **** kisses like that? i didn't even know such a problem existed. weird.

i agree with #11. if he sucked so bad, no pun intended, then why didn't you just stop getting your face sucked off?


Shay_Shay97 23

Wow, those kids have hearts of stone. I don't know ANYBODY who managed to not cry during that scene.

Well psychologically speaking at that age they really aren't capable of putting themselves in another's shoes so it makes sense that they would seem detached since they can't understand the impact of the moms death

I don't think the little girls were being emotionless. I think they were haute trying to help you feel better by saying what they feel when a movie makes them cry. Plus, that scene makes me cry too.

hmrhoades 18

Chandler, is that you? :)

At least I'm not the only one, who at 27 years old still cries at Disney films even if I know what's coming lol they are so sad sometimes !

I feel like they weren't heartless kids, just trying to make OP not cry. Like kids don't like seeing their parents cry, maybe that's all it is