By Unknown - 26/10/2008 12:56 - France

Today, I have blue lips because of a guy whose face I don't even remember didn't know the difference between kissing and sucking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 245
You deserved it 26 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

who the **** kisses like that? i didn't even know such a problem existed. weird.

i agree with #11. if he sucked so bad, no pun intended, then why didn't you just stop getting your face sucked off?


cowgod 0

and u bitches need to know how to blow properly! jk jk :P

barbiegirl224 0

Only question, why did you keep going at it!? What about leaving with a comment like "you suck"? (Pun intended)

She's talking about her ******, smart people.

Epikouros 31

Do the smurf for what it's worth!

Adovock 6

YDI. Shoulda pulled away if you didn't like it lol. Unless you were too drunk of course, then it's your fault for getting that drunk in the first place. Still made me laugh though!

its worse when thats the way your boyfriend kisses .