By yingyang2 - 06/01/2011 02:19 - United States

Today, I have been teaching my 5 year-old step-daughter how to read and write. She came bounding up to me with a piece of paper and said, "look what I did". It was a letter that said "My dad misses my real mommy, not you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 194
You deserved it 4 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments


The Op could have easily fixed it up a little.

Sparkiee93 3

Aw... That sucks. For you and for her. But you two obviously have a pretty good relationship if she is willing to learn to read and write from you, so in time she should come around. And 45- She's five, dude.

it wasn't the kid that wrote that at all. it was her evil mother of course!

A kid will write gibberish and then tell you what they think it says...even if it is not really legible.

justbigbs 6

sucks, but that's why some folks don't choose baggage's.

If she's just 5 and the OP is already married to her father, then chances are high she's a homewrecker. So YDI.

That child has increidible grammar and punctuation skills. Nice teaching.

Op, its not big of a deal, a lot of little kids with split parents want them back together, so it doesnt necesarily mean hes cheating .....