By dolceconfuoco - 20/10/2011 16:44 - United States

Today, I have an ear infection, and everything I hear echoes inside my head. I'm an orchestra teacher, and we have our first concert next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 955
You deserved it 2 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, the work you do now shall echo through time


On the bright side you wont ever forget what someone said

KumpsMgumps 0

fake.. No Director would call themselves an "orchestra teacher" lol

turtleangel94 0

Are you sure you aren't a male living in Maryland? Cuz I have my first concert this week and our conductor is sick too

VioletRaven1 8

That happened to me when i was like 6 its really annoying....just a heads up but i had it from around 6yrs old to 9yrs old and i keep trying to stop it repeating in my head but mine could have been different

I'm happy you weren't my orchestra teacher. Cello FTW!

WooHooBar 10

I had this and it made the echo higher pitched XD it was funny to hear my mum shout at me.

I've had many eat infections due to an immune system irregularity which makes me keep getting the same illnesses. I'm in multiple orchestras and choirs and, speaking from experience, you haven't really suffered until your eardrum has ruptured.