By Anonymous - 19/06/2018 20:30

Today, my excruciating ear pain turned out to be a bastard maggot eating away at all the vital things behind my eardrum. The doctor pulled it out, but I’m now permanently deaf in that ear and can’t balance. I fall if I try to stand or walk further than 5 feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 938
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I speak for everyone when I say: Y I K E S

On the bright side, It won't be annoying when one of your headphones stops working


I think I speak for everyone when I say: Y I K E S

On the bright side, It won't be annoying when one of your headphones stops working

Depends on which side stops working, though. If it's the side the OP is now deaf on, it'll be doubly annoying.

ari330 21

he can just switch the ear buds to the other side

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20
UselessWeeaboo1 21

Unless the one in OP’s good ear stops working.

UselessWeeaboo1 21

If it’s on the side OP’s deaf on, they probably won’t notice.

julfunky 29

I’ve owned many different headphones and almost every single one of them were reversible, as in it can be worn both ways. Simply flip it around.

I really hope they let you kill that maggot.

How the HELL did you get a maggot in your ear?? That's terrifying!

They're smart, they attack you when you're most vulnerable, in your sleep!

damn that's a bummer buddy. But at least you can get some good laughs with lighting a fire cracked by that ear and pretend you deaf to people you don't know. :/

Your balance will partially recover as you get used to functioning with one ear. See an Otologist for future problems & solutions.

FML of the year right there. This is the stuff of nightmares ... or The Wrath of Khan.

it's ok. I didn't want to eat anyway...