By SleepIsForTheWeak - 19/03/2015 16:41 - Canada - St. John's

Today, I had to work a double shift after my relief called in "sick" just so he could go to a party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 884
You deserved it 2 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you have the nerve to talk to your boss, to get him reprimanded.

Doing the same to him as revenge would be satisfying, but dishonest. Let karma get his bitch ass


I hope you have the nerve to talk to your boss, to get him reprimanded.

I don't think op should snitch.. At the end of the day karma will get that guy, there's no need to intervene.

"At the end of the day karma will get that guy" How do you know?

No harm in giving karma a little helping hand...

Well that just stinks. You should do the same thing next time he asks you to cover him.

Weird enough, when you said cover him I thought of a war zone as opposed to a shift. "COVER ME I'M RELOADING!" "Oooooh, sorry I can't. Jenna is having a party and I promised I'll bring the chips."

That's immature. I believe OP is bigger than that #2. Just leave it to karma, she never fails.

Looks like you'll be going to more party's now.

Gaernem 17

Jokes on him, he's not going to have money for the next party now.

#6 I don't think missing one shift will make OP'S coworker go broke and plus unless your in high school who pays to go to a party?

eyebrowzzz 21

That sucks, do it to him next

Doing the same to him as revenge would be satisfying, but dishonest. Let karma get his bitch ass

Share the facebook link with your manager for the after party high lights