By Fml - 22/04/2018 15:00

Today, a co-worker called in sick due to a family emergency. I ended up working an unplanned 12-hour overnight shift. After I clocked out, I dragged myself out to the parking lot to go home. Someone had smeared tacos all over my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 478
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who the **** would do that to a perfectly good taco?

Plot twist: the reason the co-worker called in sick was to participate in a family tradition taco-smearing ritual! Dunh, dunh, dunh!!!!!


Plot twist: the reason the co-worker called in sick was to participate in a family tradition taco-smearing ritual! Dunh, dunh, dunh!!!!!

ChromoTec 24

Are you sure you don't want to do an FML Follow-Up and... TACO 'bout it? (Sorry I had to)

who the **** would do that to a perfectly good taco?

People who know burritos are superior

If burritos are superior, why is it "Taco Tuesday"?

And you had to spend the next 3 hours licking your car? Am I right, Nina?

Lobby_Bee 17

What a bad day, I'm sure you don't want to taco bout it.

sunshine1421 14

at least you didn't have to cook dinner

OP - Somebody was stupid or unbelievable clumsy who would do such a thing. At least you will get paid for the work time and taco residue should wash off in a car wash.

Call out the next day if you can and wash your car when you get a chance or ask somebody to do it for you