By greenchan - 25/02/2011 05:12 - United States

Today, I had to take an emergency contraceptive. I was talking to my boyfriend about it, and I told him that my stomach really hurt. His response? "Aw. That's just the baby dying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 280
You deserved it 20 951

Same thing different taste

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As soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, she becomes pregnant-at conception. If that's already happened, the pill prevents the FERTILIZED EGG from reaching the uterus, to grow and develop into a fetus. That is clinically considered an abortion. If none of that happened, the pill simply acts as birth control. Google it, ask a doctor, just do a little research.

You're boyfriends a class act op. Asshole.

ahaha this literalllly maade me craack up! thats funnny shit!

maggysparrow 2

that is seriously messed up, get a new boyfriend

ashrandom 0
FruitSalad4225 0

Sick, wrong, and hilarious.

break up with him, he's an idiot and so is every person on here that thinks you're a murderer... pro-life or pro choice there was NO baby! emergency contraceptives work by not allowing the sperm to enter the egg. go get educated