By greenchan - 25/02/2011 05:12 - United States

Today, I had to take an emergency contraceptive. I was talking to my boyfriend about it, and I told him that my stomach really hurt. His response? "Aw. That's just the baby dying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 280
You deserved it 20 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ImafukNskittleYO 4

What the hell is wrong with being pro-life? Well if some of you people are ok murdering undeveloped babies, that's on you. OPs asshole boyfriend is a sick ****.

#104: if she had swallowed in the first place, she wouldn't need the pill ;) I remember when I was ill-informed about sex. I asked my mother if you can get pregnant from a bj... I had never seen my mother laugh so hard....

mmmkayyy 6

Aww that was an asshole move on his part...:( I'm sorry...

anonymous_guy589 1
holyshitbatman 20

She's getting a lot of hate for sleeping with him.... Hey, least she didn't let him reproduce!

Just be glad you're not having children with him.

Even though that's not biologically correct, it's still a horrible thing to say