By bruised_scrotum - 15/05/2014 17:08 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, I had to inform a patient that she has an STD. She reacted by kicking me in the nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 493
You deserved it 4 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always gotta blame the bearer of bad news -_-


Those damn testicles! Did I get the right spot for who I slept with?

I assume you won't be seeing her in the future since she just assaulted you. Suggest to her you'll be warning other health care professionals in the area about what happened. Wish her luck in getting a new doctor.

I would've retaliated by prescribing her the most painful medication possible.

I would've retaliated by prescribing her the most painful medication possible.

Let's hope she didn't get a kick out of it...

I hear that's how they're transferred these days

Now you should break the news to her not only does she have a STD but need some antipsychotic medication as well. Put some ice on that, OP.