By holly_fly - 28/08/2017 04:45 - United States - Auburn

Today, I got home from visiting family for 4 days. Before leaving, I had cleaned my whole apartment and done all of my laundry, except the clothes I worked in the day I left. By the time I got back, ants had set up a colony in said clothes and my laundry hamper. I even found some in my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 357
You deserved it 439

holly_fly tells us more.

This is pretty good. XD I was actually visiting mom, dad, and bros for the first time after moving away. It was not pleasANT at all, but thankfully I can laugh about it now. ?

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

What do you mean "my bed"? I think they've made their point clear..

Coincidentally, she was visiting her aunt*. *This only works with the American pronunciation.


exileonmainst 16

What do you mean "my bed"? I think they've made their point clear..

Coincidentally, she was visiting her aunt*. *This only works with the American pronunciation.

HaydenOswald 9

This is pretty good. XD I was actually visiting mom, dad, and bros for the first time after moving away. It was not pleasANT at all, but thankfully I can laugh about it now. ?

Lobby_Bee 17

Not a problem if you introduce a couple dozen spiders to wipe them out. Might take a while though.

gobiteme2 34

If they we're army ants, you should of just given them an order to get out.

awe, you must be a really sweet person.

eitnuom 4

Doing laundry? Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

I wonder what you left in those clothes that made the ants think it was a great place for a new colony?

@falsestupidity I work in a restaurant... so nothing was in them, but I probably had something ON them. O.O