Vampires are everywhere

By Anonymous - 30/08/2020 17:01 - United States - Columbus

Today, at 1:30 a.m., a big ass bat squeezed its nasty body through the bottom crack of the door. My sweet little Corgi cowered on the bed as the bat flew circles around my head. I'll be moving now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 404
You deserved it 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

Been there, done that. They house I grew up in had bats in the attic (unfinished crawlspace of a two-story (3 stories for those british) and they would come down through walls to the basement at least 4x a year. Just call animal control. Helps if you have a large fishing net.

Catch it, or have it caught. It’s certainly not a reason to move.


bloopaloop 27

It’s like ordering Chinese food delivery but fresher!

coius 23

Been there, done that. They house I grew up in had bats in the attic (unfinished crawlspace of a two-story (3 stories for those british) and they would come down through walls to the basement at least 4x a year. Just call animal control. Helps if you have a large fishing net.

Catch it, or have it caught. It’s certainly not a reason to move.

hm1220 1

make sure you get vaccinated for rabies if the bat bit you or you were asleep with it in the house couldn't be tested or tested positive rabies is 100% lethal