By ash - 25/08/2011 22:57 - United States

Today, I had to admit that I'm an alcoholic when I spent my last dollar bills on Southern Comfort instead of tampons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 101
You deserved it 41 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who needs tampons? Just go with the flow

Who needs tampons, bottles work fine too. Well I hope they do...


the first step is admitting you have a problem

choirnerd9 0

You have identified that you have a problem, so get help.

PoisonPixieDust 5

Wow, out of all my FMLS, this one got picked lol. And btw haters, the so co was amazing :p

lifeisbutadream3 0

Well you made it to the first step. Don't ruin your life, it's too short anyway and believe it or not, life is beautiful when change your thoughts. Good luck.

Wow, you really have a problem. Go to AA meetings.

that's a bloody bad situation! (if u say it in a British accent its funny) >:1