By 16isntsweet - 20/08/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, I had my sweet sixteen party. All my best friends came to the microphone to make a little speech. When my boyfriend came to do his, he broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 948
You deserved it 6 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abylaunch 10

you should have made a speech about what a small penis he has

reras89 0

What an ass. Obviously, your boyfriend lacks attention.


yourfavoritemofo 0

He made u his bitch and u arent even dating anymore! U just got pwned

Gavik 0

YDI for being a bitch that made all her friends get up and do that.

ziqi92 0

care to elaborate why ppl should come up to the microphone at a BIRTHDAY PARTY??? i mean, if u didnt ask for it (that includes relatives, aka being spoiled) then i suppose its ok and an fyl, but otherwise u really set the stage for something like this.

More important: did you get the right car? Sweet Sixteen parties are all by being the ultimate attention wh*re for one night and complaining alot right?

Essentials 0

**** that guy. you're better off without him.

YDI for thinking your boyfriend was going to serenade you with a Clay Aiken song.

speeches in a birthday party? for a 16 year old?

SAWSS231 0

okay it does suck if this is real, but i highly doubt any boyfriend would want to break up with you that publicly, especially if he thought that your best friends would attack him if he did that.

damn! that sucks! I guess he either has balls of steel or shit for brains to pull that kind of douchbaggery. The prick should get his ass beat just on principle.

YDI for failing to predict that this would happen in the first place.