By 16isntsweet - 20/08/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, I had my sweet sixteen party. All my best friends came to the microphone to make a little speech. When my boyfriend came to do his, he broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 952
You deserved it 6 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abylaunch 10

you should have made a speech about what a small penis he has

reras89 0

What an ass. Obviously, your boyfriend lacks attention.


Well... make him a ******* sandwhich and that wont happen, will it?

stormin972 0

Well life sucks. I'm glad you found out now instead of later. FYL and everybody elses. There are worse things that can happen.

was his speech sorry your too old for me to rape

whitehawk_fml 0
lindseytaylor201 0

what a jerk!! I hope someone kicked his ass. jerk!

melonsmasherrr 0
Drecodash 0

I'm on his side you might be the worst girlfriend ever. All stuck on your high horse and stuff I'm sure everybody is secretly proud he knocked you off

Even if she is a spoiled brat no one deserves to be broken up with on their birthday. That happened to me once but she didn't know it was my birthday since we'd only be dating a couple weeks. Once I told her it was my birthday she tried to pretend that she hadn't broken up with me; most likely she had the brains to know how bad such a thing hurts someone.

hateevryone 14

i would shove that microphone up his ass