By Paul Williams - 24/06/2011 19:17 - United States

Today, I had my first hockey game after being out with a shoulder injury. I ended up cracking my tail bone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 367
You deserved it 4 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL OP i feel bad for you but i hope yu heal up quickly and go back to hockey :)

ATLforever7 6

And yet the pros are making millions of dollars... Not bad for out of work figure skaters.


Time to consider a non-contact sport?

I think the good lord is trying to tell you something...

awwww dude that blows..........feel better man!

where do you play at hockey is the shit

I think you should find a new sport to play.

Ugh. I hate tailbones, they are uncomfortable. Anyways, at least you are aggressive OP :b aggressive hockey players=awesome hockey players.

xOashleymarie 0

Ouch, my cousin who plays hockey have fractured & broken many of his bones before. Hockey is really dangerous, but it's still a great sport especially if you get to witness a fight. :)

I know some one who can beat that his name is Logan and he was kinda pushed then he rolled and fell under a bus and broke his tail bone and then he couldn't get and then the bus started but luckily some one saved him

when life gives you lemons. punch it's teeth out.