By Paul Williams - 24/06/2011 19:17 - United States

Today, I had my first hockey game after being out with a shoulder injury. I ended up cracking my tail bone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 367
You deserved it 4 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL OP i feel bad for you but i hope yu heal up quickly and go back to hockey :)

ATLforever7 6

And yet the pros are making millions of dollars... Not bad for out of work figure skaters.


Bently24 6

You mean your cocksus?( thats what a tail bone is called

fatalwish 6

Ouch man fractured my cocix a few years back while on a static line jump with the 82nd airborne that really sucks man that had me out of commission for like months man hope you have a speedy recovery and remember use the donut pillow no shame that shit hurts

Same happens to me, I was out with a dislocated jaw, during my second game back I broke my nose.

what do you play football? that cool you slap guys on the ass or do you play soccer with all the other lawn fairys? or do you not play anything because you to bigg of a pussy?

beefynuggz 2

Sounds like hockey isn't the best life choice

Perhaps this is not the sport for you...

PuckYouToTheFace 24

Hang in there! At least it's not a worse injury