By anonymous - 16/09/2011 17:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a graded performance in my drama class. I had to play a murderer in an interrogation room. I got really into it and started pounding on the windows to try to "escape". The thin glass smashed. Four hours in casualty, stitches and plastic surgery pretty much sum up my mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 369
You deserved it 9 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well let's look at the bright side, no one will want to mess with the drama kids now.

Well that sucks but did you get a good grade? The teacher must have been like nice fake blood. Oh shit!!!!


perdix 29

So, what kind of grade did your cheesy overacting get you?

smashing the glass must have been pane-ful...

leadman1989 15

Both of you are so transparent.

FYL-Did you get an A for a realistic performance?

At least the teacher has to give you a good grade now.

Buzzy123 7

You can afford plastic surgery, did you dislocate your hand ? Or did you get new skin grafted on

Being from the UK he'll be using the NHS, so all medical care is free at point of use.

varkey 7

Well, FYL for what happened, but also YDI since you really shouldn't pound on glass hard, common sense