
By Bahi - 12/03/2022 06:00

Today, after I'd bought a daily planner to write down my plans and my accomplishments for this year, we're now in March and it’s completely empty. I realized that I have no goal, no plans, nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 724
You deserved it 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel the same as you. Your not alone.

whatshername?! 39

That might sound bad, but at least you aware of it now und can try to change.


I feel the same as you. Your not alone.

whatshername?! 39

That might sound bad, but at least you aware of it now und can try to change.

This is my fear, in the digital flesh. I just bought a planner and I'm afraid it's going to prove to me just how little I do in my life.