By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for speeding and got a $200 ticket. After I pulled away, I decided to warn the next car about the cop up ahead by flashing my headlights. The next car was another cop. He didn't appreciate my "help". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 693
You deserved it 25 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bonafidehustler 0

Haha that sucks. It was a nice deed, too bad you didn't notice it was a cop. Did he give you another ticket? I don't know if there's anything illegal about that.

jambatwist03 0

Wow there sure are a lot of people on their high horse here. Get over it, s/he was trying to help out another driver. Lots do it, and most appreciate it. I love how people here act as if they are the epitome of perfection and can do no wrong. "omg u flashed ur brites. ur a bad persun. ttly ydi!!!1" Get over yourselves. Why do people always feel the need to bash on OPs? They're sharing their misfortune to brighten our days.


I've done it here in Australia, accidentally in front of a cop. He pulled me over and he said "Why were you flashing your lights?", I told him I was testing them. Its not illegal (here, anyway) to test your lights in that fashion. :)

cdc8705 0

In my area of mississippi it is illegal to flash someone telling them their lights are on bright and its illegal to warn about a cop now..

#10 You get away with the ticky-tack shit, but if you are consistently a crazy driver, you are going to **** up big time. It might even cost your dad his job! Hahahahahaha!

I've read of an exact case like this before, where someone flashes to warn drivers of a hiden trooper. He got pulled over and ticketed on grounds that he interfered and ruined police activity, but he fought it and won with the defense that it's well within drivers' rights to flash their lights whenever they want.

since when is flashing your lights a "warning"? Last i checked you did that when you were pissed off at someone.

cops suck and flashing your headlights is to scare someone I believe.

princesskb 1

Flashing your lights is to say you want gay sex.

#10, please go stub your toe on the corner of a coffee table

Idk for sure but I think they might b illegal in some states. Maybe they are illegal wer the OP lives.

mouseintern 0

#26, maybe its just where we come from. I'm from California and I've never heard of flashing your headlights to warn of police officers. We just flash headlights to show people their high-beams are on, headlights are off, the person did something stupid or inconsiderate, and gang initiations. Interesting, and go to know this now in case I'm somewhere else and somebody indicates a speed trap to me this way.