By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for speeding and got a $200 ticket. After I pulled away, I decided to warn the next car about the cop up ahead by flashing my headlights. The next car was another cop. He didn't appreciate my "help". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 693
You deserved it 25 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bonafidehustler 0

Haha that sucks. It was a nice deed, too bad you didn't notice it was a cop. Did he give you another ticket? I don't know if there's anything illegal about that.

jambatwist03 0

Wow there sure are a lot of people on their high horse here. Get over it, s/he was trying to help out another driver. Lots do it, and most appreciate it. I love how people here act as if they are the epitome of perfection and can do no wrong. "omg u flashed ur brites. ur a bad persun. ttly ydi!!!1" Get over yourselves. Why do people always feel the need to bash on OPs? They're sharing their misfortune to brighten our days.


#46 ... I don't think roads work the way you seem to think that they work.

AspiringSheCop 0

#71 I suppose you're right, I expect to be disliked... until I'm sorely needed, since that's how it tends to work. Mind you, if I get assigned to traffic patrol, I will do my job and I don't care if anyone has a problem with it. People only want certain laws enforced, but it doesn't work that way. I dare anyone who thinks cops are pigs to show up at a police funeral and say that, if you're such a badass... FYI that wasn't really directed specifically at 71, more so for everyone who wants to whine about cops

#73 I don't know what kind of cop you are going to be, but I will say that you have a lot going against you in the PR department (depending on where you live also). My experience with police has been: -Police killing innocent people because they had a bad day -Police shoving innocent cyclists off their bikes and cracking their head open because they had a bad day. -Police tossing a bag of weed into a car during a traffic stop just to arrest you (good thing it was caught on film. Playing he said/she said with a cop is a loosing game). -Police tailgating people on a one lane highway causing them to speed up, and then pulling them over for speeding. -Police tasering a person for asking a question, then arresting for resisting arrest because the person is twitching on the ground and can't get up. -Police preforming public cavity searches. etc. etc. etc. Just hold yourself accountable to the public and hopefully the image will change. Just remember who pays your salary. :)

I flash my lights to warn people of various things. If he pulled you over to ask, just say something, like an animal on the road, an accident, something other than police car.

AspiringSheCop 0

#74 Huh? Is all of that really your experience with police? Wow. I know there are bad cops out there... but I find some of those things hard to believe (not saying you're lying, but I mean, the stuff is kind of out there, and certainly does not represent most cops). I have had mostly good experiences with officers (for example, when I was 16 I crashed my car into a fire hydrant... the officer could have written me a ticket but didn't when he saw how distressed I was). Cops, like everyone else, are not perfect, and have to take into account their own personal safety when deailng with dangerous individuals. It's never good to assume you can let your guard down as a cop, because that could get you killed. p.s. I want to be a K-9 officer =)

isn't that illegal? I just started driving and i know that, im sorry about what happened to you though. Thats a ton of money D:

thinkpink 0

#12 = idiot. He isn't driving INTO oncoming traffic, but think about it. You pass cars going the OTHER direction. So let's say you're driving down the road ten miles an hour OVER the limit, and a car coming from where you're going flashes their lights at you. That is a sign that they just passed a cop who is in a speed trap, and you should slow down because you will eventually pass them. ******* retard.

riotgrrl 0

@76: I thought that Police officers couldn't pick and choose which laws to uphold. So pretty much what you just said is that your good experiences are from cops going easy on you. Picking and choosing. That makes you a hypocrite. And where do you get this glowing idea of the police? Yes, I do appreciate them protecting me from all sorts of crap like theft or murder. And as you said, nobody's perfect. However, there's this thing called "leading by example." I'm not trying to say there aren't good cops out there, but between racism and suppression of peaceful protests by brutality, it seems there are an awful lot of bad cops out there who get away with it simply because they wear a badge. Just search the news and YouTube for "police brutality."