By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for speeding and got a $200 ticket. After I pulled away, I decided to warn the next car about the cop up ahead by flashing my headlights. The next car was another cop. He didn't appreciate my "help". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 693
You deserved it 25 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bonafidehustler 0

Haha that sucks. It was a nice deed, too bad you didn't notice it was a cop. Did he give you another ticket? I don't know if there's anything illegal about that.

jambatwist03 0

Wow there sure are a lot of people on their high horse here. Get over it, s/he was trying to help out another driver. Lots do it, and most appreciate it. I love how people here act as if they are the epitome of perfection and can do no wrong. "omg u flashed ur brites. ur a bad persun. ttly ydi!!!1" Get over yourselves. Why do people always feel the need to bash on OPs? They're sharing their misfortune to brighten our days.


10, you're a liar. 15, speeding in no way reflects immaturity. You must be a 15 year old who only drives with their mommy or daddy right now because you cannot get a license. 24, you're the idiot. 33, this is common practice in the US. Flashing headlights could mean the following: warning of cops/speedtrap, warning of deer/animal in road, telling you you have your highbeams on and it's rude because you're blinding the person, telling you you have your headlights off because you're stupid, that or they're just doing it to mess with you. 42, I agree 43, it's to warn them of the speedtrap up ahead so they can slow down, seriously, do you think before you post?

Apparently numbers shifted on my post, replace 42 and 43 with 39 and 40, respectively.

i know someone that this happened to. He got a lawyer, argued the first amendment of freedom of speech, and won. Granted he spent more money on the lawyer than on the ticket, but he wanted to argue his point.

cartering 0

Actually the courts ruled that the police aren't allowed to do anything to you for warning other drivers -unless you were a complete idiot about and creating a hazard (ie rapidly flashing your lights). If you were slowly blinking them the ticket won't stick

I always do this if I see a cop checking speeds. I mean, if they pulled me over I'd just say I didn't know there was a cop there I was just flashing the other guy b/c it looked like he was going a little bit too fast. Or there were wild animal(s) in the area, and I was warning him.

So, wouldn't the car you were trying to warn have passed and seen you while you were getting pulled over? Your actions don't make sense.

Why the heck do they care. You could have said you were trying to hit the turn signal and hit the brights on instead. But seriously, asses.

lobstar 0

"maybe its just where we come from. I'm from California and I've never heard of flashing your headlights to warn of police officers. We just flash headlights to show people their high-beams are on, headlights are off," I'm the same. I've lived in CA my whole life and have been driving for years and I've never heard of this practice of warning of speed traps.

plav 0

I submitted this EXACT story a couple weeks ago and it got turned down by the moderators...FML

46, you're flashing your lights at cars that are going the opposite way of you; therefore they are headed towards where the police car is parked. Do you people not think at all on this site?