By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for speeding and got a $200 ticket. After I pulled away, I decided to warn the next car about the cop up ahead by flashing my headlights. The next car was another cop. He didn't appreciate my "help". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 693
You deserved it 25 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bonafidehustler 0

Haha that sucks. It was a nice deed, too bad you didn't notice it was a cop. Did he give you another ticket? I don't know if there's anything illegal about that.

jambatwist03 0

Wow there sure are a lot of people on their high horse here. Get over it, s/he was trying to help out another driver. Lots do it, and most appreciate it. I love how people here act as if they are the epitome of perfection and can do no wrong. "omg u flashed ur brites. ur a bad persun. ttly ydi!!!1" Get over yourselves. Why do people always feel the need to bash on OPs? They're sharing their misfortune to brighten our days.


its only bad if u get caught... my ass has been saved many a time by people flashing so i flash ppl too... i just say its not my car and i thought it was the indicator... :)

He probably pulled you over because you were driving into oncoming traffic. Really, how are you gonna warn the car IN FRONT of you about a speed trap that you're PULLING AWAY from.

ballwiz24 0

seriously? Cars can be going two different directions on one road. What do you think the yellow line is for?

I agree with #3: "[Speed] off and don't let them catch you" is a great way to not get tickets. Run some red lights and drive recklessly while you're at it. Then jump out and try to get away on foot. We can watch the heli-cam on COPS.

Awe man that sucks but unfortunately sometimes you have to be selfish. However, if there's an "island" inbetween, go for it coz they can't come to your lane

Next time..DONT SPEED. I've never even gotten pulled over..Speeding just shows immaturity. leave with enough time to get to your destination on time fool.

jambatwist03 0

Wow there sure are a lot of people on their high horse here. Get over it, s/he was trying to help out another driver. Lots do it, and most appreciate it. I love how people here act as if they are the epitome of perfection and can do no wrong. "omg u flashed ur brites. ur a bad persun. ttly ydi!!!1" Get over yourselves. Why do people always feel the need to bash on OPs? They're sharing their misfortune to brighten our days.

JayColt 0

thank u somebody with a brain

I'm really scared about doing that exact thing, everytime I drive past a cop with his speed gun out or a camera, I want to flash the other cars to let them know, but I am terrified one will be a cop :P hehe. Sucks that you got caught flashing, you should have just said you hit it by accident. Also, Don't speed!

perfectwinds 0

Yes, 15. That's always so easy to do. You apparently don't drive long distances a lot. I bet you're the kind of person who stays in the fast lane doing the actual speed limit. >.< I'm always afraid to flash for this reason, too. >.< But my butt has been saved by people doing it for me so I try and do it for other people sometimes, too.

#10, no one gives a shit, go away. You fail.