By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for speeding and got a $200 ticket. After I pulled away, I decided to warn the next car about the cop up ahead by flashing my headlights. The next car was another cop. He didn't appreciate my "help". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 693
You deserved it 25 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bonafidehustler 0

Haha that sucks. It was a nice deed, too bad you didn't notice it was a cop. Did he give you another ticket? I don't know if there's anything illegal about that.

jambatwist03 0

Wow there sure are a lot of people on their high horse here. Get over it, s/he was trying to help out another driver. Lots do it, and most appreciate it. I love how people here act as if they are the epitome of perfection and can do no wrong. "omg u flashed ur brites. ur a bad persun. ttly ydi!!!1" Get over yourselves. Why do people always feel the need to bash on OPs? They're sharing their misfortune to brighten our days.


americayay 0

Sure it kind of sucks that you got the ticket, but it's not like the next cop could do anything to you for flashing your lights.

americayay 0

^ It wouldn't let me edit 62 because I ran out of time. It's not illegal HERE, but the OP did neglect to mention what happened afterward, which more than likely means that absolutely NOTHING happened.

UsingLogic 0

I don't get it, you guys want to help other people by warning them there are cops? Why don't you help other people by letting speeders get caught? I thought saving human lives was more important than saving money. What kind of sense of priority is that? And yes, I'm aware speeding does not always cause accidents, but: - It does cause accidents sometimes, and it's one of the major causes of fatal accidents. - There is no point speeding, you'll only get to your destination 5 minutes sooner. - Nobody is forcing you to speed either. I think cops are too harsh with people who make occasional mistakes when driving. I mean, nobody is perfect, any driver will make a few mistakes in their life. But when I see so many people willingly speed and even help other drivers speed safely, I think unfortunately society is not ready for smoother law enforcement. It's even a shame this website is letting people encourage speeding here. They better remove some comments, otherwise I hope they get sued next time someone is killed because of a speeding driver.

UsingLogic 0

#55: So what if issuing tickets for speeding is a source of revenue for the city? They don't make up the speeding infractions, the drivers speed on their own will. And yes, I know sometimes you might go over the limit by accident, but from what I can read hear people seem to speed on purpose most of the time. You don't want cops to make money by issuing tickets? Then stop speeding! It's really that simple. You're not supposed to break the law in the first place, don't blame the cops if you get caught and punished. And if there weren't so many idiots speeding on purpose, perhaps the cops would be more cool with those who speed by accident. But today they can't believe anybody. You guys won't even take your responsibility and admit you were speeding on purpose.

perfectwinds 0

64, you're pretty much a douche. 5 minutes faster? That's true if you're going down one road, but if you're on the highway heading 300 miles or so then going 10-15 miles over the speed limit won't kill anybody. In fact, it's safer to do that rather than be the jackass going slow. Keeping up with the speed of traffic. 65 MPH isn't the most realistic speed limit on a highway. And yes, we're totally encouraging speeding. Yay go 100 MPH in a 40! Now, who is REALLY going to listen to me? By deleting those comments that's violating our 1st Amendment if you're in the US. Why don't you read up on what you're allowed to and not allowed to post on the internet? There really isn't much on the not allowed list. ;) You should probably change your screen name, though. It's false advertisement. You're really NOT using logic, you're just being a self-righteous idiot.

#64/5... Where do you think speed limits are created? In a legislator's office or from a government committee. They sit down and either a) take the environment of the road condition in deciding the limit or b) figure out how to raise revenue by setting up speed traps... B happens a lot more often And there's a difference between being safe and following traffic laws - ceteris paribus, going the speed limit where everyone else is going 10 miles over is just as dangerous as going 10 miles over. It's really a shame this website lets you post, if someone is killed because they're too busy staring at speed limits or their speedometer, I hope you get sued.

AspiringSheCop 0

Guess what? Cops swear to uphold the law. They don't get to pick and choose which laws to uphold, in fact they might very well agree that the speed limit is useless but that doesn't matter; they have to do their job. If they observe someone breaking the law and do not act, not only are they betraying the oath they swore, but they can be fired. You may complain about the cop that hands you a speeding ticket, but that same cop could end up saving your sorry ass in an emergency. S/he could even die protecting you. Unless there is a clear case of brutality (which there doesn't appear to be here), you should just let it go. Soooo quit bitching about police officers, they're just doing their jobs.

that does suck but if the other guy wasn't a cop he'd be thankful for your helpful gesture.

@69 chill out.... i see you are an Aspiring She Cop... you are going to be well disliked so ******* get use to it.