By ididntevendrinkthatnight - 07/06/2013 05:14 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got mugged on the way to my 21st birthday party at a bar. I begged the thug to at least throw me my ID, only to have him laugh and run away singing, "Happy Birthday." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 906
You deserved it 3 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry OP, his luck will run out sooner or later. For all you know he might just be the guy who accidentally gets hit by a car a few blocks away, "accidentally".


NellyFaceXD 3
hellox3howlow 17

When I go into "seedy" neighborhoods, I carry two wallets: my real wallet and one that has like 10 dollars and expired giftcards in it. Try that.

I've been robbed a couple of times. The funny part is it was never once in a seedy neighborhood.

You should have spent your 21st birthday getting your concealed weapons permit

RedPillSucks 31

Then he would have been robbed of the permit and the gun.

Animekid126 13

Why didnt you give him a swift kick to the balls?

Give him some credit for creativity.At least he wished you a happy birthday. But yeah man, your FML t-shirt should be expressed to ya after that one.

ubetchya 1

I say that's good. Why drink at 21? For all you know you could have ended up drunk and driven around and ruin someone's life...

Helldemon 32

Clearly you're stupid or just can't read since he was walking to the bar meaning he did not drive to get there.

But.... At least he wished you Happy Birthday?? I hope they catch him!

Being from the us I don't have a passport. My bf does but he keeps it at his parents house in their safe ....would do him little good if they aren't home/ awake. but I do have alternate forms of id ones a driver's license that would've got stolen bc its mandatory to have it with you if driving so most keep it on them. The other is an id.. like a ten dollar card from the dmv with my picture and age and address. It's pretty cool best of all I don't have to carry with me so it wouldn't get stolen. And it really helps with getting all your other things back say u get robbed or have a fire and don't have id birth certificate or s.s.c it's pretty much impossible to get any replaced without atleast one

Well at least he wished you happy birthday lol....FYL sorry man.