By Mike - 17/12/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, I got in an elevator at a hotel. Just as the door was closing, somebody banged into the door and stuck their hand through. I yelled, "What, are you retarded?!" The doors then opened to reveal a mentally handicapped boy with his parents standing behind him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 111
You deserved it 54 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jgrl180 0

that's pretty much rude whether or not the person's retarded.


artmastr 0

You know your an idiot because people do that ALL THE FRIKKIN TIME!!!! That's what you DO when it's about to close! And YDI for using the word retard!

oldred16 0

Almost pissed myself when I read this lol

day624 14

Its NEVER necessary to use that word

Thats still no excuse for him to do stuff like that.

you should never call people retarded :s

That sucks. Maybe try using a different term like,"are you stupid?! You could break your hand!" But I agree Fyl