By FrozenD - 12/12/2009 16:55 - Canada

Today, my furnace and all of my heating systems broke down. A fridge is 3 degrees Celsius; it is now 2 degrees Celsius in my house. I would be warmer in my fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 716
You deserved it 2 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not at all impossible, Manon. I've been there. Three day power outage in the middle of winter. I could see my breath. The fridge, normally keeping cold in, kept the cold out during that time. I had to put stuff in my fridge to keep it from freezing.

Go buy some electric heaters and use that to heat your house. At least its a temporary solution. You can always return them as soon as your furnace is fixed as long as its within the return policy :)


:D you can be like Oscar from Elmo, except walk around in a fridge

When did sesame street become the elmo show? I'm pretty sure this is the beginning of the end.

00yoda4 0

94 I reckimend 'eve of distruction' it's a song about the end if the worldish era in the 80's

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Not impossible. Same thing happened to me a few years ago.

Ontario was freezing cold last night, so I don't doubt that the OP's house froze!

It is if you have a properly insulated house. Even well below freezing my house would take days to drop that low even when it's really cold outside. Moral of the story: don't live in a cardboard house...

Completely possible. In some areas of Ontario (particularly up north around Hudson Bay), there are even polar bears. Areas further south have already reached temperatures of -30 Celsius.

i agree. clearly some people don't know what it's like to live up north in canada

Not at all impossible, Manon. I've been there. Three day power outage in the middle of winter. I could see my breath. The fridge, normally keeping cold in, kept the cold out during that time. I had to put stuff in my fridge to keep it from freezing.

miz_kamakazi 11

Wow that's crazy! I'm from south Texas. I'm used to 115 degree weather most of the year. Heck anything below 60 requires a sweater for me!

Go buy some electric heaters and use that to heat your house. At least its a temporary solution. You can always return them as soon as your furnace is fixed as long as its within the return policy :)

Pull out your shelves in there, boxes, etc, and climb in. Alternatively, put on 3 layers of clothes and several blankets.

meunknown101 0

...Your house needs heaters to keep it warm? Wow, I can't imagine the bill. Where do you live? Antartica?! Because my house can run without the heaters and it's at normal temperature, I'm pretty sure all other houses run like that, too.

What bubble do you live in??? It is currently minus 30 Celsius here - I'm pretty sure I couldn't turn the heat off in my house and stay comfortable.

Seems to me the education system in Cali needs some work. Because if #13 is actually 14 years old like her profile says... That's way too old to not realize the climate where you live isn't the same as everywhere else.

it's probably a troll, or a very stupid 14 year old

I feel for you Kukua! Here nearly everday is pushing 40 degrees! And its muggy... But thats what you get living in this part of Australia!

I live in New England, and even with the space heaters on some parts of my house get to 40 Fahrenheit or below in the winter unless we have the central heat on. We *can* go without the heat (and do sometimes to save money) but it is not even remotely comfortable. I would have to guess that you live in a warmer climate than myself (or the OP).

boatkicker 4

I'm also from New England. I lived on CAPE COD (which for those of you who dont know, its surrounded by the ocean. In theory would keep the place warmer than most other parts of massachusetts/new england) My bedroom had no heat, and one morning I woke up with a glass of ice next to my bed. I spent the rest of the week downstairs until my mom bought me a space heater. I can't even imagine how cold it must be in other, less coastal and/or further north places. Where I am now though, is having an unusually warm winter, so that's alright.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

I live on Cape Cod and it's actually been really nice so far this season. High 40's. Right now it's 16 degrees, though, lol. But it does get pretty frigid, especially with the wind chill, I can't imagine what it's like if it should be /warmer/ here, so I get what you mean, 51. OP: Damn. FYL. :3

AntiChrist7 0

So, what are you doing behind your pc?