By Anonymous - 31/08/2019 18:01

Today, I got a haircut. During dinner, my grandmother complained about it, and said I looked terrible. I've had the exact same haircut for years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 454
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Senile people etc, tend to lose their "verbal filter" as the condition worsens. Would that apply in this case? :-( Or is she "merely" upset that she has no great-grandchildren from you perhaps yet? ;-)

Maybe she only just noticed. Does she have new glasses or anything?


Now we know why you're stuck having dinner with grandma rather than on a date. Get a better haircut, or better yet, a cool hat!

Maybe she only just noticed. Does she have new glasses or anything?

Senile people etc, tend to lose their "verbal filter" as the condition worsens. Would that apply in this case? :-( Or is she "merely" upset that she has no great-grandchildren from you perhaps yet? ;-)

maybe your grandmother is Evelyn Harper...

Simple. "You're one to talk" and then stop responding.