By fml9124 - 31/08/2019 22:00

Today, it's our 32nd wedding anniversary. Two weeks ago I caught a cold on an airplane. Since I got back, she hasn't kissed or let me touch her. I'm still coughing. She says maybe it's not a cold, maybe it's TB. She's left to stay in a hotel until I get better or die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 772
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If anyone is able to prove it's not TB, I'm guessing it's a doctor. So, time to go see one?

TB is a slow killer. The hotel bills are going to crush you before you die. You got that going for you!


TB is a slow killer. The hotel bills are going to crush you before you die. You got that going for you!

If anyone is able to prove it's not TB, I'm guessing it's a doctor. So, time to go see one?

It's been a couple of weeks? PAST time to see a doctor. In this situation, I would have gone by the second day.

You would have gone to see a doctor for a cold/cough after 2 days?

or shes cheating....and needed an excuse to stay with her lover

bl3ur0z3 17

That's sweet. Have you seen a doctor? I have the flu and tried to keep my husband away from me, but he still managed to get it.

Either report the card she's using stolen, or empty the account. Ghost her, Consult an attorney, CYA. there's something much more than germ-o-phobia at work here;