By ellie - 23/02/2011 07:10 - Australia

Today, I got a missed call from a lady at an employment agency asking why I hadn't turned up to an information session for a potential job. Yesterday, the same lady told me the job position was canceled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 145
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In my experience the companies that call back when you skip the interview are scam agencies. Maybe you got lucky.


oh---kayyyy... tell them why u weren't there bcos the admin fails at simple tasks

In my experience the companies that call back when you skip the interview are scam agencies. Maybe you got lucky.

you_and_me_fml 8

Sucks. damn employment offices..

these people have jobs so they don't really give a shit if they misinform you not their problem.

All of them idiots at unemployment agencies are morons.

I used to work at one. I hated it the whole time. so glad when I left. I'm not kidding, the people I had to work with were like robots from another planet or somethin. made me really glad to be me!!

I'm thumbing you up because that grammar was so weird it actually made me laugh after being grumpy all day. Thanks. (:

So the OP missed out on a job opportunity in this economy because of someone else's incompetence but she is being blamed and portrayed as someone who couldn't be bothered to show up, affecting her standing with the agency and the possibility of future job opportunities. I thought that was quite clear?