By Anonymous - 21/09/2009 13:28 - Canada

Today, I got a new cell phone. I was unable to retrieve my old contact list from my old phone, so I sent out a mass email asking my friends to "Give me your contact info, unless you don't want me to text/call you!" No one is responding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 215
You deserved it 12 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clearly, your friends don't want you to text or call them. You must be annoying

If you didn't put your name at the end of that statement then I probably wouldn't have responded either.


ydi for expecting ppl to respond in five minutes. wait a few days. Maybe a week.. maybe a month.. maybe a- oh never bloody mind.

physicist48 0

Maybe it's the misplaced exclamation point. It sounds bossy.

not many people use email anymore..try facebook.

I know how ya feel no one family either mom sisters or children even call or text unless they want money. I am basically just an ATM and taking up space on this rock.

Maybe it's because you emailed them... No one emails anymore haha it might take them a few days if they do

nachosbabygurl 9