By danrocketman - 05/10/2010 05:16 - United States

Today, I got a job in my university library. My job title is technical services. My actual job is pulling off the book label for the scanner and putting a new one on. For six hours a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 975
You deserved it 4 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Suck it. You're in Texas, you should be grateful you have an indoor job. When I see those poor bastards working on the roads, or building houses or mowing lawns (and all of us know what the vast majority of them look like), I admire their willingness to work like that and am not all that concerned exactly how they got into this country. When I was in college, I had a job in the library drilling holes through several issues of magazines and journals and binding them together between pieces of cardboard. It would have totally sucked, except the university subscribed to a wide array of **** "for research purposes." jkjkjk!


sat0520 0

dude I work in a library. it's so easy.

perdix 29

Suck it. You're in Texas, you should be grateful you have an indoor job. When I see those poor bastards working on the roads, or building houses or mowing lawns (and all of us know what the vast majority of them look like), I admire their willingness to work like that and am not all that concerned exactly how they got into this country. When I was in college, I had a job in the library drilling holes through several issues of magazines and journals and binding them together between pieces of cardboard. It would have totally sucked, except the university subscribed to a wide array of **** "for research purposes." jkjkjk!

h2opoloplaya 0

careful not to drill through any special parts 

Alternatively, you could use the drill creatively to make it interactive, like that book The Hungry Caterpillar...

perdix 29

The cool part is that if the pages got stuck together, I could just blame it on an unfortunately placement of library paste. . . yeah, that's it, library paste.

risforrrrcuhh 0

First of all, just be glad to have a job at all in this economy. Second of all, go watch a couple episodes of Dirty Jobs and see what a real sucky job is.

Welcome to life. Hardly anyone actually enjoys their job.

FishTale 0

quit whining at least u have a job

20waffleater10 0

what's to complain get paid to not do anything

RedPillSucks 31

go read a book to pass the time. I'm sure you can find one somewhere.

I know how you feel. This one time, someone made me apply for a job I didn't want. THEN, they threatened to employ my family if I ever left. Being the generous guy that I am, I stayed. If only the world understood the sacrifices we make.