By omg - 25/03/2011 00:43 - Canada

Today, I got a call from my 8 year old son's teacher. Apparently, my kid has been charging girls a quarter to touch his "special area." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 607
You deserved it 8 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This guy has a one-man prostitut buisness

Capt_Oblivious 10

Genius, I've finally found a role model.

AshlyNicole 0

he gets some AND gets paid? Jesus what a genius!

CrumbledCookies 0

I bet he learned that from his mom ;D lol

If he keeps this up you won't have to pay for his college tuition...

hell ya my son better be like that when I have one lmao

Wow thats different normally you have to pay girls to touch guys there! Sounds like there are some questionable girls at tat school lol