By omg - 25/03/2011 00:43 - Canada

Today, I got a call from my 8 year old son's teacher. Apparently, my kid has been charging girls a quarter to touch his "special area." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 607
You deserved it 8 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments


so awesome!! not for you obviously but for us reading haha

are you people retarded, I have a younger sister that age!!! that's just sick!!!

awmy 2

lmao ur son's a little player haha :D

jk9037 0
kingjames2306 0

yeah most likly prison someday

sjch 0

This is not funny, and people who are praising your son are disgusting. What if he were a little girl and she was charging boys to let them touch her? Everyone's reactions would have been completely different. I really hope you are doing something to stop this kind of behavior.

awardZu 0

Exactly! I have two daughters, and if I found out that this kind of crap was going on around either of them, I would be extremely pissed! If they ever tried that crap, I'd home school their asses and find out who the hell taught them that shit, then file every charge that I could against them!

your an idiot so what if it were a girl you tard

kingjames2306 0

171 you are right people that dont have kids dont understand i have a daughter but shes still very little so i got a few yrs till shes in school i will flip big time if this were to go on in her grade or school

selfgratman 0
lmw562 3

awwww you raised a little stud!