By Groped - 02/04/2011 00:45 - United States

Today, I gave up my seat on the subway for an elderly man. He thanked me by grabbing my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 787
You deserved it 5 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, you mean I've been thanking people the wrong way my whole life?


Garytt 0

ill grab yours cuz youll like it :)

DiamondFinish 0

Old people can do whatever the **** they want. Can't wait to be that age.

disguise yourseslf as an old man. faster.

AceArctic 4

It would be so easy to make a racial slur right here...

Hope you thanked him with a slap to the face and a loud yell of 'pervert!'

therealsuperman 0

it is bad that he did it without assking, butt at least you got a thank you

therealsuperman 0

it is bad that he did it without assking, butt at least you got a thank you

DiamondFinish 0

#21,25 Fail, is what your parents said when the condom ripped.

maybe he was spanking u for been naughty talkin ta strangers

thank him for the gesture by grabbing his saggy ass chin