By minecraftwilldie - 02/06/2011 16:52 - United States

Today, I gave my husband an ultimatum: either he could have sex with me or play Minecraft. Needless to say, he spent the rest of the evening playing Minecraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 182
You deserved it 14 739

Same thing different taste


So, you want sympathy for being a lousier lay than 8-bit graphics?

that's not an ultimatum... that was a choice.. ydi ... and your husband sucks!

lalalaha 0

that's more of a choice rather than an ultimatum

Ok buy laptop download minecraft and have sex in that -_-

either your ugly/ boring or he is gay. I'd never trade pussy for minecraft ever... and I like playing minecraft. I just prefer hammering my way through ****** more than pixilated blocks.

I wouldn't get turned on by an ultimatum either, besides it wasn't really an ultimatum. If you want intimacy just ask to watch a movie and go on from there if he doesn't want to be intimate anymore perhaps the marriage isn't that good

I made the same ultimatum with WoW. We're now divorced.

YDI... that wasn't an ultimatum that was saying you have to have sex with me right now or you can play your game. Clearly he was not in the mood. what would you have done if he would have done the same thing while you were doing something you enjoyed. Something tells me you would have done the same.